Sunday, February 7, 2010

In My Mailbox

In My Mailbox is a post where I tell you the books that I received this week either by buying them from the bookstore, going to the library or from my mailbox. In My Mailbox was created by Alea and turned into a meme by Kristi.

Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty

When her best friend, Hope Weaver, moves away from Pineville, New Jersey, hyperobservant sixteen-year-old Jessica Darling is devastated. A fish out of water at school and a stranger at home, Jessica feels more lost than ever now that the only person with whom she could really communicate has gone. How is she supposed to deal with the boy- and shopping-crazy girls at school, her dad’s obsession with her track meets, her mother salivating over big sister Bethany’s lavish wedding, and her nonexistent love life?

Captivate by Carrie Jones

Zara and her friends thought they’d solved the pixie problem. And they did — sort of. The pixies are all locked away, deep in the woods. But the king’s needs grow stronger each day that he is in captivity, while his control over his people weakens. And it’s enough to draw a new king into town. Astley claims he is different. He claims there are pixies who can live peacefully with humans, that it doesn’t have to be all violence and nastiness all the time. Zara wants to believe him . . . until Astley also claims that she is fated to be his queen.

There is no way Zara would ever turn pixie. And she’s got good friends who will make sure of that. Besides, she and Nick are so in love they’re practically inseparable. But when the very thing Zara wants to protect most is exactly what’s at risk, she is forced to make choices she never imagined. . . .



Unknown said...

I just recently got Captivate too...I have yet to read Need so excited to read them both!

Have a great reading week!

Emily said...

I'm on a blog tour for Captivate so I guess I should read Need ASAP. Enjoy your books!

What Book is That?

the story siren said...

both great books! hope you enjoy! happy reading!

in which a girl reads said...

Ooh, Captivate. I have Need sitting on my nightstand, and have yet to read it but I really must. There's something about the gold makeup on both of these covers that makes them really cool :)

Happy Reading!

Rebecca said...

Great books you got this week. They both look really good. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

Faye( Ramblings of a Teenage Bookworm) said...

awesome books! I loved Captivate! Hope u enjoy them! Happy reading!