Saturday, August 4, 2012

Summer Wrap Up Read-A-Thon

Hosted by In Between and Some Like It Paranormal
Runs from August 4th - 12th
Click HERE to sign-up.

I haven't been making my monthly goals for the last two months, which is worrisome because it's summer and I have plenty of time to read. I start college later this month and I really want to get a jumpstart on my reading to give myself the best chance of making my goal. Here are the books that I want to read during the readathon.

1. Beautiful Lies by Jessica Warman
2. Glitch by Heather Anastasiu

3. Touched by Cyn Balog
4. Erebos by Ursula Poznanski
5. Confessions of an Angry Girl by Louise Rozett
6. Perfect Escape by Jennifer Brown

If I can do more that would be great, but I really want to accomplish this! I will be updating and doing challenges on this post as well. Good luck everyone!


Dana said...

I am doing the read-a-thon as well! Have Fun Reading!

Bekka said...

Beautiful Lies was amazing! I really hope you like it :) Good luck making your goals.

Randi M said...

Yay! I love this readathon. :) Excellent goal! I'm really looking forward to reading Confessions of an Angry Girl and Perfect Escape. Happy reading & good luck!

Here's my plan