Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Look Inside + Update

"A Look Inside" Is a post where I'll have a featured author, and i'll choose a book that they wrote. I always come out after finishing a book with a favorite character, so i'll also have a featured character, and one of my favorite quotes from them.

Author: Rachel Vail
Book: You, Maybe: The Profound Asymmetry of Love in High School
Character: Josie
Quote: "I don't want a boyfriend," I said. "I am not looking to be half of something."

Rachel Vail was one of the first YA Authors that I read a book from. You can get so emotional while reading this book. Especially while reading the end with Carson. If you have any favorite authors, quotes, or books, then e-mail them to me! You'll be sure to get credit.

Sorry I haven't been updating for a while. I've been pretty busy and stressed with school. I DO have books to review and I'll have one for you tomorrow. I'm trying to get on track so just bear with me for a bit kay?


Alea said...

Ooooh, this is one that I mooched on bookmooch and the package arrived empty! :/

Thao said...

^ really? that sucks

That's a nice quote : )