Saturday, September 5, 2009

Diary of a Witness by Catherine Ryan Hyde

****Diary of a Witness by Catherine Ryan Hyde****
Originality- 17/20
Characters- 17/20
Remembrance- 8/10
Quote-ability- 8/10
Entertainment- 18/20
Ending- 9/10
Recommend to read- 8/10
TOTAL- 85/100
Grade- B

One day, something’s going to snap. . . .
Ernie doesn't have a lot of friends at school. Just Will. They have stuff in common—like fishing. But more important, they have common enemies: the school jocks, who seem to find bullying just another sport.

For the most part, Ernie and Will take life at high school in stride. Until Will has one very bad day. Now nothing is remotely funny. Ernie finds himself a witness—to loss, to humiliation, and to Will’s anger—an anger that’s building each and every moment.

Ernie doesn’t want to believe his best friend is changing, but he can’t deny the truth. Soon he has a choice: join or die. Or can he find another way?


Diary of a Witness was amazing. Catherine Ryan Hyde did a wonderful job of capturing the essence of a teen boy who isn't "cool" without making him sound pathetic. This books was a truly gripping read. Your heart ached for Will and sometimes even more for Ernie. You just wanted to give them some hugs. Both characters seemed so brave at times when the jocks were doing horrible things to them. Hyde had a way of telling a story that made you wonder at each point which way things were going to go. You could never try to predict the outcome.

There were several points of the story that made your heart beat fast and hope for the best. Your emotions will be on a wild ride while you read this hypnotizing read.


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